*Livraisons du lundi au jeudi

Privacy Policy

Protecting your personal data and complying with our obligations in this area are of the utmost importance to us.

The website:


(hereinafter “the Website”) is published by the Data Controller, BASIK AIR CONCEPT, a simplified joint-stock company, located at 20 RUE DU GENERAL CASTELNAU 83550 VIDAUBAN, and registered on the Trade & Companies Register of Draguignan, under number 48147006000031.

When you visit and/or use the Website, we (BASIK AIR CONCEPT) have to process your personal data, hereinafter (the “Data”).

This privacy policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) aims to explain why and how we process your Data, and you are provided with a copy hereof as a visitor to the Website.


The applicable personal data regulations are as follows:

- EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016: The General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter the “GDPR”), grouped together in this document under the term “Regulations”

- Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended, known as the “French Data Protection Act”, grouped together in this document under the term “Regulations”.

In our capacity as Data Controller, we undertake to comply with the essential principles of the Regulations, and the following in particular:

- The principle of fairness and transparency
- The principle of data minimisation by only collecting data that is strictly necessary from visitors.
- Respecting your rights
- The principle of data security and privacy.

Article 1


Firstly, here are a few definitions to help you better understand this document:

● Personal Data/Data: any information relating directly or indirectly to a natural person (name, order number, identity card number, salary, bank card number, driving or consumption habits, location data, IP address, etc.).
● Data Protection Officer - DPO: the person responsible for the proper management of Personal Data protection within a company.

Processing: operation or set of operations carried out on Personal Data: collection, access, recording, copying, transferring, disclosure, destruction, etc.
● Data Controller: is the entity that determines the purposes and terms of a Data Processing operation: why and how your Data is used.
● Data Processor: is the individual or entity that carries out the operations on the Data on behalf of and in accordance with the instructions of the Data Controller.
● Website: is all the pages of the Basik Air Concept website, the content and services offered on these pages, accessible at the following address “to be completed”
● Visitor: is any person who accesses and browses the Website (either as a simple visitor or as a User of the Website, including any User that creates an account, a potential customer, customer, or partner).
● Customer: a natural or legal person who places an order on the Website.

Article 2

Why and on what basis is your data processed ?

We process your Data for explicit, legitimate and specific purposes.

Your Personal Data is collected directly when you browse the Website, when you use the different features of the Website (creating an account, leaving a review, placing an order, etc.) or when you interact with us via our contacts forms (on which you select the subject of your request in the drop down menu on the form)

Below, we outline the purposes for which we use your data and what gives us the right to collect this data: the legal basis.


Article 3

How do we process your Data and which Data is included?

When Visitors/Users browse the Website and/or wish to contact Basik Air Concept to purchase skydiving products, services and accessories, request a price or ask a technical question, we may be required to collect some Personal Data from Visitors/Users.

The Data is collected in accordance with the purposes outlined at the time of collection.

The Data collected and processed by Basik Air Concept to achieve the purposes outlined above cover:

- Identification data: name, email, postal address, login details
- Data exchanged between us: text box to write a message, appended file, content of emails
-Information about the order: products, contact details (for invoicing and delivery purposes)
- Data concerning your online transactions and payment methods: transaction number, bank card details (the data passes through a secure platform), bank details, etc.
- Data linked to the posting of content
- Browsing data (time stamp, user IP address)
- User account creation data: last name, first name, email address, telephone number, Details of your professional life (if you have created a professional account)

Article 5

Who are the data recipients ?

Only the specific and authorised individuals mentioned below may have access to the Data of those using the Website:

- The authorised staff of Basik Air Concept
- The Data Processors of Basik Air Concept, such as the website host, and for delivery or online payments.
- The relevant courts, mediators, accountants, statutory auditors, bailiffs, lawyers, debt recovery services.

Your Data is not disclosed, exchanged, sold or leased to any other person.

Article 6

For how long do we retain your data ?

We undertake to ensure that your data is retained for a period that does not exceed the duration required for the purposes outlined above.

Specific details concerning the retention period:

You Data may also be retained in order to comply with a legal obligation or kept in files as documentary evidence in accordance with the applicable regulations and laws.

Article 7

What rights do you have over your data ?

In accordance with the Regulations, you have the following rights:

- Right to access (GDPR article 15), to rectify (GDPR article 16), to update or complete your Data
- Right to erase your Personal Data (GDPR article 17), if inaccurate, incomplete, expired or if the collection and use thereof is prohibited.
- Right to withdraw your consent at any time (GDPR article 13-2c)
- Right to restrict the processing of your Data (GDPR article 18)
- Right to object to the processing of your Data (GDPR article 21)
- Right to data portability, in particular when the data is subject to automated processing based on your consent or a contract(GDPR article 20)
- Right to lodge a complaint with the French Data Protection Agency, CNIL (GDPR article 77)
- Right to define the outcome of your Data after your death. In the event of death, and if you have not given any instructions, we undertake to destroy your Data unless it must be retained to comply with a legal obligation or for documentary evidence.

These rights may be exercised, by sending an email to the address basik.fr@orange.fr , or letter to Basik Air Concept, 20 RUE DU GENERAL CASTELNAU, 83550 VIDAUBAN, indicating your contact details (last name, first name, address, along with a copy of a signed identity document, if necessary).

For more information about your rights, and if you are not happy with how we have dealt with your request, you can also contact the French Data Protection Agency (CNIL), at the following address: http://cnil.fr.

Article 8

What Security measures are implemented ?

Basik Air Concept undertakes to implement all technical and organisational measures to ensure the security and privacy of your Data, pursuant to the Regulations.

As such, we take all measures aimed at preventing your Data from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorised third parties, including:

- Secure management and access control,
- Logging
- Regular maintenance
- Management of authorisations
- Hosting of Data in Europe, certified ISO 27001
- Secure servers
- Secure network
- Data back-up plan
- Alerts in the event of security incidents
- Encryption of flows and data
- Measures aimed at restricting search engine robots

Article 9

What is a cookie ? What purpose does it serve ?

A cookie is a tracker comprising a small set of information/files, that may be placed on your terminal and/or read when visiting a website, a mobile application or when installing software.

On the Website, we use necessary, functional, analytical and marketing cookies that enable us to:

- Ensure the security, display (in particular depending on your terminal) and features of the Website
- Ensure the authentication of customer account users
- Enable online payment
- Measure the audience and compile statistics
- Improve the user experience

The cookies used for audience measurement are provided by Google Analytics and are used to compile statistics and distinguish between users of the Website. This enables us to measure and improve the performance of our Website. This also means that transfers to the USA are possible.

Before placing cookies, we ask for your consent, which means you can decline them.

The cookies and other trackers placed by our Website are outlined below:

List of cookies
As a Visitor, you can “control” your consent regarding the placement of these cookies at any time.

You can also configure your computer to systematically decline them or accept only those you have selected.

The configuration of each browser is different:

● for Internet Explorer;
● for Microsoft Edge;
● for Chrome;
● for Safari;
● for Firefox;
● for Opéra.

Article 9

Is your data transferred outside the EU ?

We have made every effort to offer solutions and use data processors that comply with the GDPR.

As part of the processing of website Visitor/User Data, we work with partners located outside the EU.

However, we would like to inform our Data Subjects of the measures taken to govern and control this transfer and ensure the privacy and security of your Data.

We ensure that all transfers are lawful by assessing the appropriate guarantees proposed by the data processors, and the measures to be implemented to ensure an adequate and suitable level of protection in terms of data security and privacy, in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR and the French Data Protection Act.

Article 10

Social media and partner websites

The Visitor can click on dedicated social media icons on the Website such as Facebook and Instagram.

The Visitor can then access the company’s specific page. As such, the terms and conditions of use of the various platforms/networks shall apply:

- https://fr-fr.facebook.com/Basik.Air.Concept/
- https://www.instagram.com/basik_air_concept/?hl=fr
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